"CORE: The Demo & Music Group Database" Brought to you by The HORNET FTP Site Team! If you would like to have your demo or music group added to this database, please fill out the attached form. Please provide all of the information requested below. If any of the fields cannot be answered, please place a "N/A" in that field. After you have completed this form, please forward it to Burning Chrome. He can be reached by any of the following ways: 1) Internet: bchrome@foley.ripco.com 2) BBS: Piracetam (1-813-996-3902) 3) DGiNet: 68:500/0 4) GSNNet: 864:1/1 (Currently Not Available Due to Inability to Connect to Host System) 5) FIDONet: 1:377/75 6) SBCNet: 13:204/1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CORE Form: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Name: Type of Group (Demo, Music, Both): Internet Contact Address: Snail Mail Address: Total Number of Members: Listing of All Members: Listing of Productions to Date (Include the filename, a short description of each filename, and the date of release for each filename): Primary BBS Name, SysOp Name, and Number (Your WHQ): Listing of All HQ & Dist. Sites for your group (Please provide the BBS name, the sysop's name, and the phone number if possible): Any other information that we might need: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------